Author: ruoxiguo (Page 2 of 2)

Comment on Xuchang’s post

Hello Xuchang,

I love reading your post. I totally agree your opinion about the importance of the multimedia leading and the great influence of multimedia learning. I also love the video that you attached. I think the video gives a perfect description of brain storming. I am wondering if you could provide a specific example of the multimedia learning, such as an example of your own multimedia learning experience. I love the way that the video explains the brainstorming. I am just wondering if you could find a more condense video to express this idea because a two minutes video is a little bit long. Further, I think you could include the citation of the YouTube video at the end of your post. Overall, It is a fantastic post.


My multimedia learning experience

Since English is a worldwide used language, I was required to learn English when I was about five years old. However, there were lots of difficulties when I started to learn English, especially in word comprehension. Besides, it was not easy for a five-year-old kid to keep focusing on the contents during class. Luckily, the teaching method of my English teacher changed my attitude towards English. Before every class, she made cards with graphs representing the meaning of the words and taped the cards on the blackboard. Then, she would say a word we learned in class, and we would run to the blackboard and choose the card. Since the first one who chose the correct card can get a piece of candy, all of us participated actively in the game.

Her teaching method not only makes me interested in English but also has a huge influence on my project presentation method. Instead of only using words to introduce my projects, I always use videos at the start of the presentation. For instance, when I presented the project about the mathematical model of the number of cranes a month ago, I used a short video to introduce the features of cranes, such as their average life span, and their living habits. Not only did the video draw the attention of the audience, but it also made the background of my project more understandable compared to word description.


Earth Rangers. [Earth Rangers]. (2012, September 26). Whooping Crane [Video]. YouTube.

Blog 1

As a statistics major student, there are lots of projects, and the project presentations have huge impacts on the final grades of the courses. The aim of every project presentation is not only to show the result to my professor and classmates, but also to make the content easier to understand for people who do not have enough statistical knowledge. However, I always find it hard to explain my project content and concepts that I understand properly through the presentation. For instance, when I try to explain a certain concept that is only used in statistics, it is not possible to just use words to give a simple definition. Because for people who lack statistical knowledge, the definition is not likely to make sense. In order to solve this problem, I always use pictures and a short video to explain it. But, it is not easy to make the presentation fluent. When I try to combine the video, pictures and words together, the powerpoint I used to present always looks massy. Thus, the main reason that I want to take EDCI 337 is that this course can improve my presenting skills. Through this course, I am looking forward to learning how to manage my presentation, and make it more accurate and understandable for people.

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