For the brochure designed to introduce the advantages of two modes of the course: face-to-face course and online course, there are several changes I made.
- First, I changed the pronoun of several sentences due to the personalization principle. For instance, in the first sentence of the online part, I change the original sentence “since students can join the class from different areas, they can save commuting time and spend the saved time in researching”, into “since we can join the class from different areas, we can save commuting time and spend the saved time in our researching”. Compared to the previous sentence, the new sentence can make the readers more relateble to the content. Thus, the readers are more likely to agree with the new content.
- Secondly, according to the signaling principle, I add four words in front of the first sentence of each paragraph whcih represent the main point of each paragraph. For the first paragraph of online part, I add a word “time-saving”, which is the main idea I explained in the first paragraph. Similarly, I add “flexible time” ahead of second paragraph of the online part, “Focus” ahead of the first paragraph of Face-to-face part, “communication” ahead of the second paragraph of the Face-to-face part. After this, the reader can roughly understand the main point of each paragraph by looking at the first word which has positive effect on their understanding.
- Thirdly, I delete illustrations at the top and bottom of the Face-to-face part, the two illustrations under the title of the brochure and illustrations on the top and bottom of the online part because of the coherence principle. After this, the new brochure appears more clear and makes my content stands out. Compared to the previous brochure, the readers are unlikely to be distracted by the illustration of the new brochure now.
- Last but not least, I add a picture showing the zoom class. Due to the redundancy principle, by showing a specific scene of online learning, I think I do not need to explain what online learning is. Similarly, I add a picture showing the traditional Face-to-face class. Compared to the previous brochure, I think these photos illustrates the difference of these two learning modes better.

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