Category: Assignment 2 – Blog Feedback

Comment on Shining’s post

Hello Shining,

I love reading your post this week. I think you did a good job in describing The things you learned in this course. Also, I think it is noticeable that your multimedia skills has improved a lot. Furthermore, I think you did a great job in editing your movie and describing the work you have done. The background sound you chose is also reflects your feelings very well. The only suggestion I have about your edited video is that you could consider add some transitions between each video clips. Overall, I think your edited video is very good and I would appreciate to read your new posts in the future.



Comment on Shining’s post

Hello Shining,

I love reading your post this week. I think we both learned a lot about how to design our blog and future presentation. Also, I think you did a great job in creating posters using Canva. I like the poster you present in last week’s meeting because you did an amazing job in the layout and content. I am looking forward to see your future works. Besides, I also see huge improvement in your blogs. I think in your previous posts you were good at state your opinion clearly. But, in your recent posts, you also use more visual aids to prove your statement. I am looking forward to see your post next week.



Comment for Shining’s post

I really enjoy reading your post. I totally agree with your point that creation has a great impact on learning. Besides, it is also my first time using Canva, and I think Canva is definitely a useful tool for our future presentation. The poster you made also impresses me a lot. I think the picture you used as the background of your poster is amazing. My only suggestion is that you could change the colour of your words to make them clearer. Overall, I think your post is wonderful and I am looking forward to reading your new post next week.



Comment for Shining’s post

Hello Shining,

I love reading your post about the reading principles. What I loved most about your post is the difficulties you shared about your own learning experience because I have also encountered the same problem. When I was in my first year of university, I was under lots of pressure before every exam because I was not sure about how to prepare for them. When I was in Chinese high school, the questions in the exams were quite similar to the assignments. It took nearly a whole year to find a better learning method. I think the video you attached is also very clear and succinct. It shows the main ideas you want to express.


Ruoxi Guo

Comment on Xuchang’s post

Hello Xuchang,

I love reading your post. I totally agree your opinion about the importance of the multimedia leading and the great influence of multimedia learning. I also love the video that you attached. I think the video gives a perfect description of brain storming. I am wondering if you could provide a specific example of the multimedia learning, such as an example of your own multimedia learning experience. I love the way that the video explains the brainstorming. I am just wondering if you could find a more condense video to express this idea because a two minutes video is a little bit long. Further, I think you could include the citation of the YouTube video at the end of your post. Overall, It is a fantastic post.


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